This week marks a milestone for Deep Dark Thoughts. As of today (or close enough that nobody cares) DDT is officially three years old!
I thought for this post I would skip the normal attacks on my family, friends, and career, and instead just take a moment to enjoy the accomplishment. In 2017, I started ranting about my misdeeds, mishaps, misfires, and life in general, and here I am in 2020, still at it. To be fair, I’ve been ranting about all of those things my entire life, I just made it official three years back when I began posting online about everything (and everyone) that gets under my skin.
I have never had any difficulty finding things to complain about and, let’s face it, this past year has been an absolute treasure trove of torment and annoyance. Between the garbage going on in the world around us and the fact that my adult kids have both come back home to live with me full time, I need the outlet DDT provides to me more than ever before.
And everyone out there who reads this blog gets to suffer right along with me. Misery loves company, I guess. Well, I hope you are all willing to endure it a little longer because I don’t think I’ll be stopping this slow-motion train wreck anytime soon.
Despite what you have been reading from me lately, there actually has been some good news in my life, so I thought I would share that with all of you. I’m getting older and I’ve been drinking a lot more in the past couple of years. That’s it. That’s the good news. I figure if I keep it up, I will probably be dead soon and that’s good news for all of us.
I will be gone, which means I will stop writing this blog. That also means all of you get back five minutes of your day on Thursdays. Win-win.
All kidding aside, thank you to everyone who has been reading, and especially to those that occasionally take a moment to send a kind word my way to let me know they enjoyed my directionless, meaningless tirades.
I plan to continue this blog for a while yet, but I have been considering making a few changes. I have been thinking about opening up this space to other writers who would like to share vignettes of their lives, offer new viewpoints to consider, or just rant about their own personal pet peeves.
The rules will remain the same. No religion, no politics, and no topics that in any way have any meaning in our current society. Uninformed, unenlightened discourse fueled by anecdotal evidence will be the only content acceptable in these pages. And, above all, I will continue to try to find the humor in the misery around us.
I haven’t completely made up my mind on which direction I will eventually go with this, but I am curious to know what any of you may think on the matter. I really want to hear from you. Comment below or send me a note or email and give me your thoughts. Is my lunatic fringe musings sufficient for a while longer, or is it time to hear some new voices? I’m okay with either direction and promise I won’t be upset if a few of you are tired of my pedantic complaints and ready to see someone else’s pedantic complaints.
Actually, I can’t promise that. As you may have noticed, I get upset easily and anything is fair game for Deep Dark Thoughts. I do promise that I won’t call you out by name, however. I can come up with a neat new nickname for you and nobody will know who you actually are. Just ask EM1 and EM2 about that.
Seriously, though, I do want to hear your thoughts about opening up DDT to other writers.
That’s it for now. Thank you for three years of your patience and tolerance, and I hope you’re willing to stick it out for a little bit longer. If you haven’t been with me that long, feel free to check out the archives and see what I was up to three years ago. (Hint: it’s going to look an awful lot like right now. The only difference is the kids have gotten a little older and grown a bit more sophisticated in their abilities to piss me off.)
Next week, things will get back to normal as I once again complain about how useless my children are. Stay tuned and check back in next Thursday. (Spoiler alert: my children are really, really, really useless.)

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