Happy Birthday, Deep Dark Thoughts

This week marks the one-year anniversary of Deep Dark Thoughts.  I wasn’t absolutely certain when I started this blog a year ago that I would still be writing it after all this time; mostly, because I’m lazy and rarely have the drive to stick to a project this long.  Also, because the more I write about my family the more they threaten to steal my computer and bury it in the backyard.  But, here we are twelve months later and still going strong.

Well, okay.  Still going.

When I first decided to make this a weekly project for myself, I had no idea what I was getting into.  I didn’t know if I would be able to find something new to write about each and every week.  I knew I could write about my opinions of the same topics over and over again without any problem.  I’m very good at complaining about one thing over a long period of time.  Just ask my wife, she’ll happily confirm that for you.  But, I didn’t want to do that in this blog.  Writing (and reading) about the same topic ad infinitum eventually just gets tedious and boring.

I know there are people that will disagree with me on this idea, but if you are really looking to read the same complaints about the same people without change or variation for years at a time, there are plenty of political blogs out there that are happy to accommodate.

And speaking of political blogs, that is exactly what I did not want this website to become.  I freely express my opinions on these pages, but I do it solely for entertainment purposes and I do not claim to be an expert in any of the areas I discuss.  I may at times get a little dark in my writing, and I may even offend someone while addressing certain topics, but my goal has never been to attack any groups or individuals, or to challenge anyone’s personal beliefs or ideologies.

Religion and politics are the two fastest ways to create enemies.  I avoid those topics like the plague.  Although at times, when I meet someone new, I will ask them “What god did you vote for?”  This is just me being an ass, not actually looking for an argument.  I don’t care how you live your life.  It’s none of my business.  Really.  Please stop telling me about it.

The opinions expressed here are my own.  This blog started out as, and still is, a creative outlet for me as well as an occasional opportunity to vent and rant about truly unimportant stuff that everyone around me is tired of hearing me talk about.  My poorly supported, deeply flawed arguments are not an attempt to take a stand for anything or start any kind of a grass roots movement.  (Except for school fund raisers.  Dear God, I really want those to stop happening.)  If you agree with me, great.  If you don’t, also great.  I just hope maybe I was able to make you smile a bit while you were reading.

As far as finding new material to write, I have discovered over the past 52 weeks that I will probably not be having much difficulty in that area.  Although there are certainly weeks where I struggle just to find time to write, coming up with subject matter has not been a huge problem.  My family has been very generous in their efforts to piss me off, humiliate me, and in general provide me with topics to bitch about.  I am not concerned that this will change any time soon.  This particular well seems determined to never run dry.

To any new readers out there, please do not gauge my blog based on this post alone.  This one was just a tad more serious than normal.  I am usually much funnier.  At lease, I think I am.  I suppose ultimately you will have to be the judge of that.

To my older readers, let me know if the font is large enough for you to read this post.  I can make it bigger if necessary.


To any older readers who have been with me from the beginning, who have continued to make the trek back to this website week after week:  Thank you.  I hope you have enjoyed the journey as much as I have.  I hope I have put a smile on your face and even, on occasion, made you laugh out loud.  I also hope you have forgotten all about the weeks where the blog, frankly, completely sucked.  As they say in show business, “they can’t all be gold.”

And finally, to my most dedicated reader: thank you for being there.  Thank you for laughing at all the right times and stroking my fragile ego when I was beating myself up with my own insecurities.  Thank you for encouraging me when I was ready to give up, and for kicking me in the ass when I was just being stupid.  And most of all, thank you for coming home night after night, even though you knew you were going to find me locked in the den and the house a complete wreck.

I hope you’re willing to stick it out for another year.

Welcome all, to the beginning of year number two of Deep Dark Thoughts!  I hope everyone comes back next week, when I will be discussing … well, I haven’t actually figured that out just yet.  I just hope everyone comes back.