After four years and over 200 weekly blogs complaining about my family and reminiscing on my life, I think it is finally time to give Deep Dark Thoughts a break.
I have loved the opportunity to rant and spout nonsense on these pages over the past years and I will definitely miss the cathartic release this outlet has provided me, but as they say, all good things must come to an end.
As of this week, Deep Dark Thoughts is on indefinite hiatus. It may be back, maybe not. It might return later in a new format or with a new purpose. I can’t speculate on that right now as I have no idea when or if I will return to these pages. Based on the time constraints of many other writing projects, and also from a bit of blogging burnout (keeping a weekly blog for four years can be quite an undertaking!), I have decided to focus more of my time and energy on my novels and novellas.
Thank you to those of you who regularly came to this page to see what stream of consciousness nonsense I had come up with on any particular week, I appreciate your steadfast support. To anyone just now finding this blog, you aren’t too late. Please feel free to peruse all the past posts on this site. I hope you find a few things that make you smile or even laugh out loud.
If you have enjoyed my blogs, I hope you will check out my many short stories and novels. You can find many of them for free (or at reasonable prices) on my main webpage: www.gallenwilbanks.com
Feel free to peruse the selection and, if you like anything you find, tell your friends. Any and all sharing is greatly appreciated.
Thank you all again, and remember, this isn’t truly an ending, it’s just a new beginning.
I hope you’ve all enjoyed my deep dark thoughts.